

TerraFlora Permaculture Learning Center explores the human relationship with landscapes,following permaculture principles while we live and work in ways that support all life. When the ecosystem thrives, all species, including humans, have the opportunity to thrive. Nestled on the east slope of the Huckleberry Range separating the Colville and the Columbia River Valleys in northeastern Washington, TerraFlora surprises with its diversity in topography, habitat types and mild four season climate. Located at the juncture of the southern most reach of Ice Age glaciers and the northern extent of Ice Age floods, the soils, convoluted landscape and the vegetation they spawned provide myriad opportunities for testing and demonstrating livestock-assisted agroforestry systems, earthworks, soil building and phytomigration.

We live in the forest.  An incredible gift but one that comes with great responsibility.  We originated the term Sylvanculture to describe our lifestyle and vision: stewards of the forest, living in ways that heal, restore and revitalize the forest ecosystems and the plant, animal and human communities that depend on them, while producing abundance from soil microbes to well, Hercules.  He’s an ox.  A very big ox.